What are Gingival Diseases?
Periodontology is a dentistry that examines the structure of soft and hard tissues surrounding teeth, the diseases that occur in these tissues and the treatment of these diseases.
What is Gum Disease and How Does It Occor• The main cause of Periodontal Diseases (Periodontal Diseases) is bad oral hygiene and the resulting tooth stones are inflammatory diseases affecting the soft and hard tissues surrounding the teeth, especially the gums. Gum disease can be treated easily and successfully when diagnosed at an early stage. Prevention or treatment of gum disease; it also brings along other benefits such as protection of natural teeth, chewing more comfortably and better digestion.
• Gingival diseases start with gingivitis, the onset of the disease. During this initial period when the patient feels uncomfortable, the gums begin to grow, the gums grow and become a darker red color than the pale pink rose. The disease is at this stage; It is manifested by color, deformities and mouth odor in the gums.• Bu süreçte kontrol altına alınarak tedavi edilmeyen vakalarda hastalık periodontitise ilerleyerek dişeti ve dişleri destekleyen alveol kemiğinde geri dönüşümü olmayan hasarlar oluşturabilir. Diş ve dişeti arasında "periodontal cep" oluşur. Periodontal cep varlığı enfeksiyonun yerleşimini ve hastalığın ilerlemesini kolaylaştırır. Dişeti iltihabı oluşup artış göstermeye başladığında dişleri tutan kemik dokusunda erime baş gösterir.
•  As the disease progresses, the teeth start to swing, and even tearing can occur. The tooth loss caused by the gum inflammation is much more than the tooth loss caused by the bruises.